Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kiara Tackles the Trails #13 Mt. Tabor

Kiara Tackles a new trail...finally.

Now that my shin splints are gone and the race is history, we're back on the trails. We took it easy today. Mai and I picked up Ki from the kennel this morning. 10 days away from us and she's pi$$ed off good. She kissed everyone hello but me. We decided to take her to a new trail from our Best of Oregon and hike rather than run. We started at the playground so Mai could have a little fun monkeying around. Then we headed out for a nice long walk. We were about 45 minutes in when Mai got a nice blister on the back of her heel and had to remove the offending shoe. She was fine hiking with just one shoe on - what a girl! I did carry her through some rough patches that had some pebbles, but she did really good. Ki didn't pull me once, which is a sign that the kennel kept her busy. It's a great outdoor one - she gets to run free around 10 acres with all the other dogs and swim every day and she's pure beat when she gets back home.

Behind one of the reservoirs, we found a little altar that contained, among other things, a really dirty toothbrush and a bodyless doll head. That was about all the excitement we had on this trail, but it was beautiful and fun to hang with the baby girl. She's such a good friend to me. The dog, however, is apparently still mad at mama.

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