Friday, March 19, 2010

Seems Like A Beach Day

Husband called it a beach day and off we went.

Jack was happy.

Mai was happy.

Jack the Bird Whisperer made the seagulls happy

Until they found out Sister had day-old pizza

And Mama had her own Jonathon Livingston Seagull moment

before they went back to visit their prince

Mai had the best view from a swing

and Jack "faced the waves" - his most favorite thing to do at the beach

Mai said the March Oregon Coast water felt like a hot tub

and then went back to racing the waves.

YOU ROCK, MOTHER NATURE! (Actually, I think Jack was saying "Bring it on, Mother Nature" but we told him if he kept talking to her like that he was chancing getting hit by lightening.)

Great start to Spring Break!

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