Monday, August 23, 2010

Pink Cobra

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
Oh brother, what a grumpfest I had today. It started out good. Great night of sleep, a little quiet time before the kids woke up, cuddling in bed with the kids when they did finally get up, a little bit o' work and that's when I started getting grumpy. My computer bit the dust last week and Steve so kindly built me a new one over the weekend, but nothing is where I need it to be, programs aren't installed and instead of taking the time to get everything in order, I just plowed in to work and kept bumping into roadblocks. Tears later, I finally gave up and took myself out to the backyard for some mindless murder mystery reading in the warmth of the sun.

Mai reminded me that we were going to work out together so we got out all our dumbbells and balls and got it going. After that, she decided Jack needed some sun and to get his muscles moving so we decided to go for a hike. A friend has several times mentioned a nearby nature park that I've never bothered to try to find, so that was our destination:

I can't believe we've never been there before - it's awesome! It's only about 5 miles from home - right by our gym. I'll definitely be back for some runs. There are about 4 miles of trails that hook up together. Dogs not allowed (poo).

The kids started getting a little squirrely... we headed out to look for birds and snakes and whatever else we might find...

I can't believe how close we were to this huge woodpecker and every single one of my pictures turned out blurry :-(

Mai decided to put her itty bitty braid down a snake hole(?) and see if she could entice the snake to come out...

We spent about an hour and ten minutes hiking and then headed home to find Steve waiting for us to go to the park to throw the Pink Cobra around. YES! Day one of the Challenge has been completed with a great frisbee workout.

I give this Out of the Box Workout a big thumbs up! Once Mai got involved there was a little more standing around, but the fun factor made up for taking things a little slower. 30 minutes was all I could handle because I was famished from the hike. Tune in tomorrow when we'll be sharing our Flips and Sledgehammers. Can you guess what we're doing for Day Two?

1 comment:

Tina said...

Places like that trail are my favorites to walk/hike/run (when i do run).

Sorry the day wasn't stellar!