Saturday's ride was originally supposed to be a 70 miler but Coach had a heart and dropped it down a bit for us. I came up a mile short on the 62 miles as well. The cue sheet actually said this at the bottom:
61.1 Arrive back at start point
62.0 ride around in circles until you hit 62.00!!!!
My butt actually said "Whatever! I'm getting off this bike right now!"
I threw my bike in the truck, zoomed home, stretched and even got in an ice bath before cleaning up and heading down to Eugene for the OBC (Oregon Blogger Connection) meet-up. It was just us girls on the road trip so I dropped Mai off at Mom and Dad's and headed over to Mazzi's to meet up with these running fools...
...who were lots of fun! Kim
and Laurie did a great job on organizing the dinner and both KILLED it in the race on Sunday!
I got to hug my favorite Oregon "Boston Runner", Small Town Runner ....twice :-) ...and feel up her Boston Jacket...
I felt a little more calm than I probably should have been before my very first 1/2 marathon. As the others chugged water, I relaxed with wine. I even had to ask what time the race started, as I had no clue. I was not impressed when I heard it was at 7am. Looked like I would have two days in a row of being up at 4:45 (ugh).
Little Fruit Fly's
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and then we all headed out to our separate sleeping quarters to, I'm sure, toss and turn in blogger unison.
Mai demanded to sleep with me. I had one condition: Don't touch me! She couldn't help herself. And what was I to do when she spooned me and I look over to see her little sweet hand lying on my shoulder, but to leave it there and try to fall asleep. About 7 minutes before my alarm was to go off, Dad came in to wake us up and found us both lying there already awake. I woke at 3:45 and never fell back asleep. Maybe some nerves crept in after all?
I scooted off to Valley River Inn to catch a shuttle to the race, sipped a 5 Hour Energy while talking with a nice gentleman on the bus and headed to bag check -in.
Time to get the kids up for school, so there will have to be a Part 2 of this race report. I will leave you with this setting, though....34 degrees at wake up time and not a cloud in the sky. Weather conditions WERE PERFECT...
Here's a few more OBC pictures...that I had to borrow from other bloggers...'cause I didn't even take a camera with me (oops!)
...To Be Continued...
You dirty dawg. You can't leave it like that!! Part 2 better be out by lunchtime.
I want to feel Raina's jacket too! So black and green and sleek-ha! So many awesome people to meet at this race!
Seriously, you're leaving us hanging??? Well, an early congratulations anyway since you've already told us it was your best race ever! Can't wait to read the rest!
Nice...set it up and leave us wanting more. Cupcakes that is.
Felt up STR's jacket! Hahaha! Too much wine for you and you get a little frisky...
Can't wait for part 2--sorry I didn't get to see you on Sunday morning.
Leaving us hanging?!! What? Well, I'll be back again and again until you finally give us all what we've been waiting for jUlie! Loved these pictures. So awesome to see so many bloggers together. :)
LOVE IT! Can't wait to hear about an awesome race!!
This is just like watching a soap opera on Fridays, a cliffhanger, not that I watch soap operas or know what a cliff hanger is, I just heard this from the streets, goto go and lift weights or something manly right now
HEY! Not fair.....keep going...I wanna hear what happened!
You are so lucky! You got to meet all those cool bloggers and be so calm before the race! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story! You are so well trained right now, I'm not surprised that it was the best race ever! Yay you!
And thanks for your comment. I needed that this morning.
Of course, you've already spoiled the suspense with your title, but I can't wait to hear all about it! :)
Haha! In the expo of my half this weekend there were tons of people in Boston jackets and in those bright yellow boston shirts. I think I bugged every single one of them. They must have thought I was a Boston stalker... ;-) Hurry up on this recap. I am really curious what this best race business is all about...
It all looks like a blast so far!
Looks like a great time! Can't wait to hear more.
Ah! I was so ready for the meat of the report - you left us hanging :)
Wooooohoo, eagerly awaiting the next installment.....
SUCH an awesome day for you!!! I can't wait to read the full RR...
And thanks for that photo...har har...
Absolutely LOVED every minute visiting with you =D
You cant put leave us hanging. I would love to meet some of my fellow bloggers.
You start with this being an amazing race, and then ... ! What the heck man!
What is it about race night that it is just impossible to sleep? I was tossing and turning all night. I felt like I never slept even an hour straight.
Okay - so antsy to see the rest of your report!!
p.s. It was sooo much fun having dinner with you!!
That's seriously not cool. I know it said part I, but I wasn't expecting the cliff hanger....Hmmm...and here I thought I liked you :) Great blogger meet up. Fun stuff!
I didn't take any pictures either so might just have to steal yours!
I am so envious of this bloggy meet-up!! Some of my favorite peeps here!!!
How wonderful that a "training run" turns into a race and bloggy meet up!!!
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