Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Morning Dance Party AND A WINNER!!

1. My back is still tight, but it is feeling better. Thanks for all your concern. I was able to run 8 miles on Saturday and swim and bike yesterday. The bike position was really the only one that bothered me. Sleeping positions and just sitting hurts the worst. Whatever.

2. The winner of the Zaca Patches is Nikki @ Mom On A Mission. Congrats, girl! I think I already have your address so we're good! I'll mail the package out to you next week, though, when I return from vacation.

3. Do a little dance...


Unknown said...

Good morning! Here's to a great week getting ready for your big race. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Dawn said...

Woot Woo!
Thinking of you...can't wait for your race. Think we're all more excited than you?:)))

CautiouslyAudacious said...

Wow impressed that you were able to get some good workouts in with your back hurting. Take care and recover quickly!

misszippy said...

Glad the back is better! Got that tune in my head now...

Quinton J said...

well played.

Fruit Fly said...

Nice that you having a happier back!

I can't even read that song name without my body automatically going into dance mode!

ajh said...

Hope the back is even better still. What awful timing!

Nikki Kendall said...

YAY!!!!!!!! Too Fun! I can't wait to try them out...wink-wink-nudge-nudge!

Ransick said...

Glad your back is feeling better! Back pain just plain sucks.