Saturday, November 19, 2011

Just For Fun...

..and because it's rainy and cold here today...I'm imagining being in Hawaii...
learning to surf...

It was one of the very first times I realized that you can't sit back and wish you could do have. to. Just. Do. It.

You don't have to have someone to do it with you, you don't have to depend on a partner to make you feel more comfortable in a new situation - you CAN do things solo.

You don't always look pretty or coordinated trying new things...but in the end, you still DID it!

  • When was the last time you tried something that scared you?
  • Or tried something on your own when doing it on your own was the last thing you wanted to do?
  • What's on your list that you need to JUST DO IT?


Jill said...

I love how it's snowing on your surfing pictures :).

One day I NEED to do an ultra! I hope my feet can handle it.

Colorado Gal said...

I love the new blog look!

The HIM is the scary thing on my list. I just need to finally register but i'm so nervous about doing it alone...and just doing it in general. I need to JUST DO IT!

Colorado Gal said...

I love the new blog look!

The HIM is the scary thing on my list. I just need to finally register but i'm so nervous about doing it alone...and just doing it in general. I need to JUST DO IT!

Colorado Gal said...

Ok, no idea why that posted twice. Sorry!

And now you have 3 comments from me :)

Anonymous said...

It's not really scary, but I had booked a lesson at a rock climbing gym and the partner ditched me. But it really is one of those things that really needs a second person... And the one thing I really don't want to do at all, solo or not, but will do, is my long run. But I will do! Promise ;-) Enjoy the weekend!

misszippy said...

THAT is cool!! I am really jealous..that's on my list of things to learn. And yes, I'd be afraid but would do it!

Katie @ Will Race for Carbs said...

Love the snow! That is pretty cool. I can't believe I grew up in Southern California and never learned to surf. Maybe if the water was warmer like in Hawaii! I can't think of a scary thing I just need to do. So that means I am not challenging me enough! I've got to start making a list! thanks for the inspiration!

Jen said...

Surfing is on my list. It has always just looked like so much fun! I need to learn to swim better first. So swimming lessons is on the list too. I'd also like to do an ultra of some sort.

ajh said...

Finally realizing that I could exercise alone changed my exercising life. I used to wait for people to "go with me" and I didn't have friends who cared about exercising nearly as much as I did. So I finally started doing it all alone. Having a friend along was a bonus. Doing a duathlon last year was my scary thing and of course the triathlon is the new one. I don't ever want to stop having new goals.

Caroline said...

I love the pics!!!

on my list: a FULL MARATHON
Big Sur!

Amanda@runninghood said...

Love the snow on your blog. :) I need to think on this one. I'm sure there are a lot of things I could come up with when it comes to things I really want to do. Quitting my job to stay home was scary. I'll get back to you on this...hmmm...things I really want to do....good questions. And you look hot surfing!

Julie said...

Love the new look too! Also love the post! This was a big year for stepping outside of my comfort zone and it was a great year. In the next year....not sure, maybe just maybe a full marathon.

XLMIC said...

Surfing would be a good one for me to tackle... the ocean scares the crap outta me :P

RainStorm said...

That's exactly how I feel! You have to try these things at least once. Great surfing pics too - I'm not that good yet, but I WILL be one day! :)

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love the surfing pictures! i wish i would have tried that when I was there now.

I am doing Hood to Coast next year and am so excited to cross that off my list!

Kate Geisen said...

Oh, gosh, everything scares me, so how to pick the last one? :) I guess going out of town for that mountain bike trip, especially the parts where we were riding over the log obstacles.

I spent a LOT of time wishing I could do things but not doing them bc I didn't have anyone to do them with. But then I realized that I was unhappier sitting at home resentfully than I would be doing something alone. So I've done a century on my own (on a hybrid while the road bikes flew past me), a half marathon on my own, loads of organized bike rides on my own...and you know, I rarely end up ON MY OWN, because I almost always meet someone during the event. And now that I'm doing so much stuff, I've got all kinds of friends to do it with...and am inspiring other friends to start! All for getting out of my comfort zone (well, and posting obsessively about it on facebook. :D)

Kate Geisen said...

P.S. After that reply that was all ME ME ME ME, I realized I forgot to tell you that your surfing pictures are awesome, and it's beyond cool that you got out and did it!

Shelby said...

I learned to surf in Waikiki, an AMAZING experience =)

I am afraid of heights, someday I need to go skydiving to get over that fear...someday