Friday, December 16, 2011

Pounding Pavement

I can't believe 6 weeks later, I'm out pounding the pavement again with my little boot camp flyers and a roll of tape. The best part is that this time people have their Christmas decorations up and it's fun to see all the different neighborhoods and their holiday cheer. By far my favorite house today was this one!!

I can't believe how quickly things have just taken off. 13 years ago we started our business and for a few years there things were pretty crazy - new business, multiple jobs while we were starting up our business, new house, new babies, new car- things were busy. Then we kind of mellowed it all out and we've really only worked part time for these last couple of years. It's funny how busy you think you are until you REALLY get busy.
And that has happened! I even bought a freaking planner because my mind is spinning on all the different places I need to be...

So the new schedule includes the old business...
and then all the new stuff... a 6am and 7am bootcamp (with an 8:30am class in the works). I've also agreed to a "Baby Steps Boot Camp" two days a week at the same bouncy house facility. The owner wants to offer it as kind of a public service for the moms who are willing to pay for their kids to come in to play, but can't really afford the money or time to work out. While their kids are playing, they will boot camp with me at no charge to them.

As of January, I've taken on 3 floor shifts at the club that just hired me and I'm also doing two fit camps there every week. For now I'm sticking with "boot camp" style camps but I received my TRX certification this week...

so plan on doing a TRX fit camp within the next couple of months. I've also heard rumors that I'll be heading up a "Biggest Loser" contest in January as well. So when will I fit in personal training clients? I have not a clue. I'm just rolling with it for now.

I've made sure to keep my Wednesday nights clear so I can hang with the church ladies and still be able to play stupid Christmas games with them, like try to unwrap the present while wearing kitchen mittens after drinking red wine and stuffing yourself silly on yummy food :p

And church pajama parties...

And I need to pencil in the dog somewhere for her walk...

...and the kids are INKED in several times during the day.

I'm trying to remember to work out, but my running fell by the wayside this week. I just realized today I didn't run at all this week. I am walking MILES and MILES and MILES putting up fliers, though....does that count?

AND......I'm so so so excited for Christmas - particularly Christmas Eve church service that I think is going to be a lot of fun. We started a new tradition last year of hitting up the pizza place after church on Christmas Eve, so that's the plan again this year. The presents are almost all picked out and wrapped and I feel like this next week is going to be mellow...the calm before a great and fun storm.

So what's new with you? What are you MOST looking forward to this next week?
and...I'll throw out a question I drew from the anonymous bowl at study on Wednesday night: Would you ever die for someone? Who?


CautiouslyAudacious said...

Cute doggie!! Love that idea with the Christmas lights how fun! TRX seems fun..

Nelly said...

Your bootcamp classes look awesome, if I lived up in Oregon I would totally join them!

I wouldn't die for another person, but if I was going to die, I'd rather have a massive heart attack and die on the spot while running a marathon at age 85 or something. That way I don't have to suffer any prolonged length of time.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I have always wanted to try TRX

I am loving the xmas lights

Kate Geisen said...

I love the way you follow your dreams and make them happen. I bet you're incredibly inspiring--and fun!--to your clients.

I am sooo looking forward to Christmas break. Things have been crazy here.

And I'd die to save/protect my kids. Though I have no big interest in being a hero, I'd like to think that I'd be like those teachers who've stepped between their students and a gunman or whatever. I guess you never really know til you're in that situation, though, so I hope I never find out.

Dawn said...

Oh I love this...
You're crazy busy yet you do it all prioritized:)

There are only 4 people I can honedtly say I would die for in this world. My kiddos.

Have a good Saturday!

Colorado Gal said...

I am so excited that this is all working out so well for you!!! I'm jealous that you are going to offer TRX at your gym--I really want to try it but my gym doesn't offer it, and I don't want to pay for it elsewhere. Any chance you want to move to CO and teach it at my gym?! :)

Laurie said...

New rule I just made up: All presents can only be opened if the receiver is wearing oven mitts.

Ransick said...

wow, you are crazy busy and very organized! All of a sudden I feel very lazy :-).

misszippy said...

Wow--things are rocking in your world! I'm so glad for you.

Would I die for anyone--what mom wouldn't say their kids?

Raina said...

The classes must be a ton of fun, Julie!

That sign...I would die. Haha!

I am so glad you are making time for your church lady games. SO much fun..I'll have to try those :)

Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Craziness abounds!

Sounds like all great stuff, though. For me next week? I'm most looking forward to some post-semester downtime and catch-up: errands, holiday shopping, movies, and napping!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

WOW that's a lot going on. I've read lots about TRX and wish I could try it!

Average Woman Runner said...

Wow, lots of stuff going on with you. You say you have to remember to work out seems your entire day consists of working out as you lead these classes! WOW!

Jill said...

I would definitely die to keep my kids alive.

I used to do TRX in the "Athletic Training" class I took last year...would LOVE to get back into it again but they don't offer that class anymore (killed too many of us I think) and there is no TRX stuff at the gym (but you and I belong to :)). There is a specific TRX gym you can drop in and I may try that. I have GOT to get myself back to some sort of strength training on a regular basis...this may be the trick!

Nikki Kendall said...

I'm getting ready to host some trx classes as well!

Terzah said...

This week I'm most looking forward to my mom arriving! I just wish she could stay longer.

Who would I die for? Definitely my husband and kids. I'd like to say anyone, though I'm not sure that's true. What a deep question! It's got me thinking of A Tale of Two Cities.

Anonymous said...

Crazy stuff! I have the "huge" goal of running at least 3 times this week, but it obviously pales in comparison... I would die and kill for my sisters. I just have this crazy sense of protectiveness towards them.

Emile said...

OK, well first of all, congratulations on your TRX certification! And second, holy cow, you have one busy hectic life! And lastly, yes, I'm sure I would die for someone. And with the traffic I have to cope with, one of these days I probably will. Merry Christmas!