Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Return to Body Rock

Wowzers. I'm feeling close to being back! My shoulders have been in therapy since late January and it was finally determined I should go see a shoulder specialist. While I put off that appointment, I continued to basically do NOTHING with my upper body  :-(  I also switched to a higher pillow and it seems to have helped. While getting my foot taped up the other day, the doctor asked why he hadn't heard back from the specialist yet and I had to admit I had put off the appointment, but assured him my shoulders feel a bit better...although I'm not really doing anything with them...
So he said to go ahead and do some light workouts and see how they feel. I did a little bit the last two days and although not perfect, it gave me some hope...
SO today I decided to do a full Body Rock workout and it went ok. Just ok. I didn't lighten the load on my sandbag and it was really too heavy for me to be doing presses and I can tell I'm still holding myself funny in the plank position and my butt is too high in mountain climbers and yadda yadda yadda...I STILL did it! and I shared part of it with you here today. 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 4 exercises, 3 rounds. It's a start.

Never think you don't have time or room to workout. These workouts run an average of 12 minutes long and as you can see, I used about a 3x6 foot area in my husband's office.

Now........>>>>the run.
My scheduled run on Saturday was to be 10 miles. I got taped up on Friday and felt fabulous on Saturday. The first 1.5 miles were on the road and I was a little worried when my arch started to bug me, but by the time we got to the trails, I was good to go. We ended up doing somewhere between 12 and 13 miles and other than a nice big trip on a nice big root - it was golden. Golden, I say!! More on this later!


Unknown said...

You're legs are golden! Glad your run went well.

XLMIC said...

Wooo Hoooo! great that the run went well :)

yes, 12 minutes in a little box...never not enough time nor enough room...you make it work :)

ajh said...

Sounds like a good run other than that pesky root.

The Green Girl said...

Hope your shoulders continue to heal, girl.

Julie said...

Oh Julie this is such good news!!!!

Julie D. said...

oh my word. i've got to do a body rock work out. they intimidate me a little though. wish I had a sand bag. Got the timer though!! :) Great run!!! way to go. glad your body is recovering!

Raina said...

That's a lot of squats, even without weight! Your legs are rock-solid.

I am REALLY excited about your run. This is GOOD news! Bring on the half!!