Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kiara Tackles the Trails #8 Milo McIver State Park

Ki and I got our new forest pass in the mail this week and wanted to head to a new trail today, but Mimi got super sick last night and I decided we should stay closer to home so she wouldn't be without Mama for too long. Someone at dog park had mentioned McIver Park to me last week and since it was a quick 25 minutes to get there, we chose to stray from our Best Oregon Trail Running book this week.

It took me a bit to find the right trail. We spent some time getting lost at the river and then made a side trip through a service road where we came nose to nose with three dear. Before I could get my camera out of my pocket they were down the road and flipping their tails at us. If you click on the 4th pic, you can see them running from my blood thirsty dog.

We had lots of fun on the equestrian trails. Avoiding the humongous piles of horse shit made for an even more interesting run. After awhile, I just side stepped the super humongous piles and didn't worry about the five pound dumps. Ki thought they smelled delightful.

We came to several spots where the sun was shining through like a little taste of heaven. Priceless.

We went across three wet mossy bridges in a row and I kid you not, I attempted the splits on all three and pulled my groin every single time! When will I learn? Walk...walk slowly...hold onto the rails!

Ki took a dip in the river even though it was only 45 degrees while we were out. She did NOT get in a 2nd time ;o)

I am so glad we made the trip out to Milo McIver today. I have found a great close to home campground for the kids and I next summer!!

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