We had a great time sledding earlier. The snow has continued to come down so we'll be able to do some night sledding on the street tonight. We have two big hills to choose from and I pray we all come out of it alive. Here's a little clip of the kids and neighbors sliding in our backyard from this morning.
How fun! We actually had a little snow in the deep south this week. It made everyone happy for a few hours. TFS
I love your life.
Hi Gina! I saw how great you are doing!!! Great Work!!!!
Hi Cynthia ~ thanks. I should appreciate it more than I do. For sure.
I love your life too :)
I look forward to children when I see videos like this. I am one of those people who are on the fence on having children. I know I want them, but I am terrified too. Plus, I often focus on the responsibilty and hassle vs all the good times like these. I cannot wait to take my kiddos sledding. Plus, I will get in a workout doing it too!
Your dog is beautiful.
Krissa - I'm sure you've heard this many times before, but I'll say it again because it is SO true. Raising your children IS the hardest job you'll ever have, but it's also the most rewarding.
Thanks about my dog. She has the prettiest blue eyes and is a sweetheart but this snow has got her going crazy! Crazy, I say!
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