Friday, November 12, 2010

The Signs Were All There

This week's loss of motherly maturity and an insatiable desire for chocolate, wine, and chick flicks should have told me sooner that I need to keep better track on my calendar (if you know what I mean). It all became clear today, so I took Mai's timely placement of this note today to heart

Put a s-m-i-l-e on your face
A smile is welcome any place
When your wering a frone
trern it upside down
and yuol be wering a smile.

The kids are happy I've pulled out the treadmill again... and boy does it need to be dusted off. Jack is my purist runner... he likes to run I can only share his legs...
Mai would spend 2 hours straight on the thing if I would let her...

My own run was good, but short...with just a little shin trouble. It became apparent early in the afternoon that I really needed some me time, but rather than hit the pool for a long swim like I had planned, I followed my cravings for the chick flick and went all by my lovely lonesome to see this movie that perfectly fit the bill...

Then, when I got home, Mai helped me with my chocolate craving by taking me to Nectar, the new frozen yogurt lounge in Sellwood, where we totally overestimated our hunger level and ended up with sugar tummy aches...

Then, when she couldn't talk me into a trip to the mall (NO WAY!), we found ourselves at Fred Meyer to get milk and ended up reading magazines for free while lounging in the furniture section...

Now I need to find my trail book so I can plan out a nice hike for Ki and I tomorrow... Just have to be home in time for the Duck game!!


Helen said...

Julie, that sounds like the perfect day! A little "ME" time never hurt nobody, right? I should follow your lead...

Simply Life said...

oh my gosh, she is adorable!!!