Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My New Path

On August 17th  of this year, on this blog, I announced that not only had zombies invaded the golf course, but that I was finally going to do something with this:
After thinking on it, pondering it, getting certified to do it, and then mulling it over for way too long, I finally announced it here on the blog in a rather vague way that I was going to forge ahead and do...well..."something" with it.
...And then for once in my life, I didn't think about it too much, I didn't worry about people saying NO! or about people not believing that I could do it, or even about what other people might think at all.
Instead, I turned off my brain and I JUST DID IT.

And now, 3 months later, I'm smack in the middle of my own holiday boot camp and I was hired yesterday at a local gym as their newest personal trainer. I'm in a kind of very pleased shock that I didn't have to:

Pretend to be someone I wasn't (remember...I'm new at this and very much have no practical experience...and I've been very up front about that through all of this),

Change my appearance to please others (remember the pink miniskirt interview?),


...even worry about someone telling me no! or not liking me (can I finally be at that point in my life where I can live with the Nos and not let what other people think about me affect me negatively...or affect me at all?)

So these are my questions for you today:

1. Are you so afraid someone will say no that you choose to not even ask the question? Ok then!!... tell me>>>>What's the worst that can happen?  GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, please!!! Some situation in your life that you're afraid someone will say no! Then give me the worst that can happen if you do overcome your fear and ask the question or do the "thing" you're so worried about.

2. Do you feel you've reached a point in your life yet where you are starting to let your "you-i-ness" all hang out? What's the most recent thing you've done that you would have never done in younger years for fear of what someone else might think?


Karen said...

so excited for your new venture! For me, it seems like as I get older, the more I am willing to do to sort of step out of the mold. I don't care as much what other people think as I might have a few years ago. Once you get past some of that, the fear of trying something new or different diminshes.

Nikki Kendall said...

YAY!! So proud of you! It is a hard thing to leave your comfort zone...don't I know it ;) You will be sooooo happy!

Colorado Gal said...

Yay! That is so exciting for you!

I definitely think I'm at the point where I don't care and I'm happy with who I am that I just go for it. I can't think of a specific example, but I just notice it in my day-to-day life.

Michelle said...

whoooooooo hoooOoo!! How exciting! So happy for you, I KNEW you would get it :)

Kate Geisen said...

AWESOME!! I'm so glad you're at a point where you can make your dreams come true and do something you love!!

I lived sooooo much of my life in #1. So many years I wanted to do things but not alone or not until I was "good enough". The past year or so has been a total 180 for me.

The old me NEVER would have done that mountain bike race back in August. No way. But I think the biggest change has been the willingness to put myself into circumstances where I'm likely to fail, and certain to be the least skilled...and be OK with that. As hard as it is to ride at the back of a group AGAIN because you can't keep up, it's one more step towards building the skill, and that's been enough to keep me going back.

A Prelude To... said...

Kate! You gave me chills reading your comment!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Raina said...

Congratulations, Julie! You are so deserving :)

I am actually a lot more reserved now than I used to be. But- on occasion- I have been known to jump from a very high place without looking= l e a p o f f a i t h.

Terzah said...

Julie, this is all very awesome. So glad good things are flowing your way because of a brave decision.

I definitely feel more inclined to say what's on my mind--especially at work when someone tries to give me crap. But I also still have a ways to go before I lose the worst of my worries about what people think of me. I'm getting there, but the journey's far from over.

ajh said...

This is great. I am not good at all at speaking up for what I think. I worry too much about hurting someone's feelings. I am worrying less these days and leaving my comfort zone behind more often.

Caroline said...

very happy for you!!!

In my 40s I feel more FREE. I do not care what people think..10 yrs ago I would have NEVER gone in public dressed in running clothes..well I was not running then but I mean in shorts and tank top..not a chance...I would have never think of running a 10k and half marathons were for other people ...not me. Now I am thinking of when will I run the big know the 26.2.

Katie @ Will Race for Carbs said...

Yay! Good for you Julie and congrats! Every year I feel a little more brave to be myself but I still have a long way to go. Hopefully I get there before I'm 80!!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

You are a great example of believing in yourself!

I find that when it only effects me my choices comes more easily. However when its something that effects the whole family I use that as an excuse to limit the choices or postpone even making a decision. It's hard not to suffer from a lack of faith at times.

Jill said...

Congratulations on the new Personal Trainer gig, that's so exciting!!! I sometimes wonder if I should go out into the gym world with my personal training cert, but just can't bring myself to do so yet. Looking forward to seeing how you like it!! YAY!

Average Woman Runner said...

Congratulations on all your accomplishments! As for stepping out...I think having to breastfeed in public cured me of caring what anyone thinks about anything I do :)

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Congrats on the new job

I have alot of no people surrounding me

I'M Tri-ing said...

I certainly wouldn't have worn tri shorts or compression gear a few years ago, but now I don't give a damn. The hard work I've put in to swimming, biking, and running have paid huge dividends in my everyday life.
As for #1, I was going to ask my wife a question last night...but she had a headache. :-)

GetBackJoJo said...

Congrats on your new venture! That is awesome!
So, probably much like you, every time I stick my neck out there and try to wrangle an athlete with potential into my coaching world I worry worry worry about not being liked, being rejected, getting a no....
But like you, I'm starting to feel okay with the nos. But it's hard.

My you-i-ness has been coming out in my fashion choices of late: A strip of pink hair, a skimpy bikini at age 41, or a really ugly dog purse that I just LOVE.

Ransick said...

Congrats and doing what you love! For number 2, I now run on the local trails in spandex/tri gear (when doing bricks) and as you know, nothing is left to the imagination when running in spandex. I've had kids say "go Lance" as I bike/run by and I don't care.

Funny comment on BT regarding how tight tri shorts should be. I don't remember who said it but they said "tight enough that you can tell your religion". I still chuckle at that.

Laurie said...

Ha, my mom just said I let my "you-iness" shine when I was born on Christmas Even in the middle of a blizzard.
Your change of course sounds awesome! Congratulations.

Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Congrats on the new gig and the next step in the process - very cool!! There have definitely been big things in my life that I was scared to try, not necessarily because of what others would think because I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that I could actually do them. I'm getting a lot better about stepping outside of my comfort zone.