Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hippie Hippie Shakin' and a Group Ride

Thankfully, an event got canceled last night and although I'm bummed about having to postpone it, having a night to just relax with kids and movies was very welcome. Friday night my Biggest Loser team at the club met for one of their last workouts. We are the team to beat right now and after our last chance workout on Monday, we weigh in for a final time. After the Friday workout, I headed to the school to join the kids at their Hippie Hippie Shake dance.
Jack went traditional Tie Dye...

And Mai dolled up a bit more...

Saturday rolled in early as I headed out to Sunset Cycles for a group ride. 30 miles with rollers and up Pumpkin Ridge. We parked our bikes outside...

...and then headed in for our Mission Moment...

,,,where we heard from Lenore about her son Hunter's battle with AML Leukemia. He spent over 900 days in treatment before he died at age 3 1/2. It was a heartbreaking story.

 You can read Hunter's story HERE. It was so hard for Lenore to stay composed, but she did. It was hard for me to stay composed, and I didn't. There was not a dry eye in the house. It's easy at some point in the season to forget the REAL reason we are out there training. It is not about us, our workout, or our plans for how we are going to conquer our race this year. It is about the people who we are fund raising for. It's that simple. It should be that simple. We do this for the people.Yesterday was a great reminder.

Wiping away the tears, Steph and I headed out...

... for a big "GO TEAM!" and then we rolled along into our ride where I saw two goats fighting to what looked like the death if they continued to ram each other, only for them to stop and nuzzle as I continued on by. I started crying again when I saw a poor dead little dear in the road going up Pumpkin Ridge. Then I found the perfect side of the road protection for a potty stop (TMI) and that made me happy. Some guy tried to run me over and that made me lose my composure and I tried to give him a double birdie but thought I might wreck, so I only managed one finger. My butt muscles started screaming at about the 1/2 way mark and then we were done. Not a bad ride at all. The fact that we'll be doing twice that distance in April seems crazy to my butt right now, but it's happening whether she (my butt) can deal with it or not.


Kate Geisen said...

I loved your kids' costumes and how into it they were. What fun!

Your ride sounds like a good one, in between the tears. Good potty stop locations MUST be celebrated. I was SO ready to get off my bike seat mountain bike seat is way more comfortable than the road bike, but part of that is bc I'm always off of it on the singletrack. 54 miles of actually sitting on it was no joke.

Raina said...

Mai and Jack are so cute! Very nice costumes, mom.

I would have been in tears too.

Glad you had a great workout! Pumpkin ridge doesn't sound like the easy route for a leisurely ride. :)

Simply Life said...

oh those outfits are too fun- I love the hat!

Katie @ Will Race for Carbs said...

I would be a wreck hearing Hunter's story and seeing the deer. I think it was a good call on the double bird. Although it would be satisfying, the crashing would cancel out the satisfaction!

Ransick said...

Love the costumes!

900 days in treatment in three and a half years is really rough. I can't even imagine having one of my kids go though that. Sure puts things in perspective.

Average Woman Runner said...

So hard handling the death of children, glad you could all be together and then have a good ride after (except for the deer - that would have put me over the edge after everything else). Boo:(

Jill said...

Hahah...double birdie. Not that he didn't deserve it. Glad you were okay! Super job on the bike ride - that's awesome you are getting in some great long rides!

Glad you got some fun movie time with the kiddos...a break like that is really nice when they're someone(s) special to share it with :).

Coy Martinez said...

The thought of riding 60 miles is a bit daunting although I'll be doing that soon. My butt doesn't hurt as much as my right wrist. Stupid and strange right?? Of all the things...

Those kiddo's look pretty snazzy in their outfits! I love tie dye!!

Julie said...

kids are sooo cute!

You are a rockstar!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I am so jealous of the group ride!! Still too cold here

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Your kids are awesome! Love Kai's outfit! Sounds like this really was an inspired ride.

Emile said...

I had a good friend whose 11 month old daughter died of leukemia like that after a long agonizing battle. It tore their marriage apart in the process. It was a terrible thing.