We finally got our TNT workout schedules for Jan/Feb yesterday and there was a 40 minute bike ride on the schedule for Friday so Steve took a break from work to let me get out in the sun for a bit. He had made fun of my sunglasses on my last ride so I left them at home this time - dumb. Why do I care what he thinks of my sunglasses? I had so much dirt in my eyes by the time I got home, I couldn't see anything without a big blur. The ride was pretty uneventful other than being in a fenced bike bath and coming around the corner face to face with a cop car...who didn't even slow down or try to move over for me - grrr. What the heck was he doing in there?
I had grand plans to go for a swim last night but my intentions of keeping my beer and pizza at the in-laws to one a piece, turned into 3 each and I decided to leave the swim for tonight.
Oh, and on the way home from dog park at dusk last night, I saw what looked to be a purse and all it's contents dumped out at the foot of our street. I got out and picked it all up and took it home and Steve called a phone # on a business card we found in it and he got the husband of a woman who had just been assaulted and was at the hospital getting treated. The creep dumped her purse on our street - freaked me out a bit that he was in our neighborhood. A good bit.
This morning was our first group run. We met at Duniway Track at the local Y. Picture above is of about a little less than half the team arriving this morning. We ran 10 minutes, talked, ran 10 minutes, talked, ran 10 minutes, talked. So although we were there for 2 full hours, not much of a workout, so when I got home, I hopped on the bike and did my 50minute ride that's on tomorrow's schedule since I want to do a long run tomorrow in anticipation of the mud run next month.
I met some great people this morning! This team is going to be awesome. Looks like there's about 100 of us again. People of all backgrounds, shapes, sizes, tri vets, tri newbies, all with one thing in common - as Coach Jane always says - they are all compassionate people. I love to hear the different stories on how people are drawn in to TNT. I met a young woman who is a nurse in Oncology at a local hospital. I met a woman who is doing this with her husband - they lost a child to bone cancer 3 years ago. I met two women who are marathoners and are trying triathlons out for a change of pace. I met a man who wants to lose weight and saw this as an opportunity to reclaim his body while honoring his mother in law, who has leukemia. Everyone has a story and I can't wait to get to know them all better. Then there were the alumni, who are back again, raising funds year after year for this great cause. My favorite alum today was Randall. We were in the same mentor group last year and we agreed today that we have a score to settle with Pac Crest and we won't give up until we've settled it! Obviously we both had a rough time last year in the race, but it's the pull of TNT and LLS that brought us back as teammates.
So, as I posted earlier, I am committed to doing ALL scheduled workouts and group workouts so I'll be posting the weeks plan on Saturdays for the following week and for each missed workout, you'll see my name up on my TNT Homepage with a donation of $20.
So this week looks like this:
Bike Workouts: 1/2 ( I already put down one for this week since I did tomorrow's workout today)
Run Workouts: 0/3
Swim Workouts: 0/2
Group Workouts: 0/2
RT Workouts: 0/3 (This isn't part of TNT training, but I'll be doing it anyway)
I'll also post daily what I did and how long it was supposed to be and how long it actually was (because I'm notorious for cutting workouts short ...when I'm not skipping them altogether...sigh). If I cut them short, I also have to donate $20.
so Friday was:
Planned ride: 40 minutes Actual ride: 40:30
Saturday was: 50 minutes Actual ride: 52:48
Ok, better get upstairs, I think someone is coming to pick up the lady's purse pretty soon.
oh...no results yet on Mai. The nurse called me back finally at 5:30 yesterday to say no results - wait until Monday, but I just noticed on my phone that the doctor tried to call at 9pm last night and didn't leave a message so now I'm a bit freaked out.
Ok, wow. So much in one post! Glad to hear your fire about TNT. Freaky about the purse. Hope Kai is a good watchdog! Be careful being out at dusk! Yikes. Still praying for you & Mai.
It sounds like a wonderful event..
My dog saved me once when an intoxicated guy approached me... the freaky thing is I didn't even hear him coming because of my Ipod.
After that my dog circled me as I jogged keeping lookout.
I'm still praying too.
Melissa -
I know! I just re-read that post - all over the place :o)
Cynthia - how lucky of you to have such a good guard dog. I think mine would have just licked him and stuck her nose in his pocket looking for a treat.
thanks for the prayers.
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