Good Morning :o)
I am sooo not awake yet, so the post I was going to do on "Dread Not" will have to wait. I had lots of thinking time yesterday and I wanted to put it all down in a post, but now is not the time - I need to let the the cobwebs clear yet this morning.
Let's see, on the the workout front, I made it to the pool around 9pm Saturday after church. Pastor Kip's sermon was "Fear Not" so I had some time to reflect while I swam. Did you know that "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the bible? Once for every day of the year. So tuck that in your heart today and carry on.
I swam 1500 miserable meters due to some unruly young teens. This is getting rediculous. I tried to complain as I was leaving but there was only one small "kid" working in the whole place at 10pm on a Saturday and if he had tried to confront the pool kids, I'm sure he would have got his butt whooped.
When I awoke Sunday, I was SOOOOOO happy I had done my Sunday scheduled bike ride a day early because It Was Snowing!!! I did make it up to Leif for a run and it was gorgeous as you can see in the first picture. What was going to be a 12 mile run ended up into a lot of walking since Ki and I really stopped to smell the frozen roses a lot on this great day and only did 11 miles. Lots of contemplating and try to let my mind quiet so I could listen for God. Don't you wish He would just talk right in your ear about all the things that you need to hear... and every day? I do. I think He probably does talk to me every day, I just need to listen.
In my second picture, you can see I made the wise choice to pull out my ever fashionable water-proof socks. Last time I wore them on this long of a run, I got little blisters between my toes from sweat, so I decided to wear a light running sock underneath them and they worked like a charm. My shoes were sopping wet, but my feet were warm and dry and cozy the whole time!
Third pic is Mai getting warm in her dress over a vent in the family room. She's been sitting over that thing all weekend - it's a bit chilly in this house. Sometimes, I get really tired of cutting back on expenses...
however...this pic was worth turning the heat down 1 degree.
I headed out to the pool again last night and asked the front desk to have someone swing by the pool area a couple times in the next 30 minutes to make sure no kids were bugging me. Of course, they didn't come in to check it out, but fortunately, no kids last night. It was a great swim of about 1750meters and as I was leaving the pool, someone said "Aren't you with TNT? I recognize you from the run on Saturday". Hooray! Someone from my team goes to my gym! Her name is Karen and this is her first tri. What good fortune that I decided to do 5 extra laps instead of sit in the sauna. I would have missed out on meeting her!
Got home to find an e-mail from my mom that she had gone to the ER and has pneumonia and that she was heading to bed, so I didn't call her. I'm waiting another hour and then I'll call and find out what is going on. I also get Mai's results today.
Fear not. Fear not. Fear not.
I'm going upstairs now to look up some verses in my bible - think I can find all 365 references before the kids wake up? Whoops...I just hear a "hi mama" coming down the stairs. Guess not.
Bike Workouts: 1/2
Run Workouts: 0/3
Swim Workouts: 1/2
Group Workouts: 0/2
RT Workouts: 0/3
11 mile run/hike Extra Credit.
Love the pics. That first one is Beautiful. I thought Mai was behind a bean bag at first until I read that was a dress. I remember doing that as a kid. She is adorable.
Pretty neat fact about the fear not.
Glad you got to meet someone involved with TNT at your gym. It is always nice to know someone who is sharing your experience.
I wish I had your endurance. I have been thinking about training for a half marathon and here you are doing one every weekend :)
Hi Krissa ~
You can totally built up your endurance rather quickly and be doing a 1/2 marathon by spring.
I think I saw a post by you once where you mentioned not wanting to gain weight or stall out in fat loss while training for a 1/2 and I totally think you do NOT have to eat much differently when training for a 1/2 marathon. Your longer workouts might have a few gels or sports drinks but that shouldn't effect your attempts at losing weight.
Endurance is cool. You just build and build each weekend and then at some point you realize that when you see an 8 mile run on the schedule, you are excited because it is so short! Or you are disappointed because it's so short ;o)
Hi Julie,
It's my yearly check in! Love your posts. Wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking about you. Susan
Susan, Susan!! I'm so glad you said Hi. I've checked your blog often for updates...
...where are they?
Can I keep up with you better on face book?
Hey girl!
I am JUST getting an opportunity to catch up on my blogs. It has been a really busy week - having to work at night and squeeze in my workouts! YIKES! :)
Those waterproof socks look amazing! The hubby and I did the Living History Farms Cross Country run last Thanksgiving and it is NUTS! You run through like three creeks - water up to your knees and I would have LOVED to have these socks!
Sorry about your mom. I am sure I will get an update on her status if I just keep reading! :)
And I admire your swimming ethic. I hate swimming....but it is because I don't have any technique.
Mai looks adorable!
They are sealskinz socks I bought at REI.
They really work well. You still sweat in them, but it seemed to work pretty well to wear a thin pair of running socks underneath them.
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