Conversation with 6 y/o Jack while he's in the tub this a.m.
Jack: Mama, ya know what the #1 Rule is for treating women, right?
Me: Hm, I'm not sure. What do you think it is?
Jack: The most important rule is to never tell a woman she's fat.
Me: Really? I always thought the #1 rule was to treat women with respect.
Jack: Nope. That's rule #889.
oh, boy... I've got me some gentleman training to do!
As you can see from the above pic, Mai and I got excited last night in anticipation of my first group swim so we got out our TNT polish. It's snowing again...which reminds me I better go find my phone in case the school calls for early closure.
Let's see - I swam yesterday for 2000m and it was a great swim! Sat in the sauna for about 10 minutes afterwards and decided I need to treat myself to that more often. I've been SO good the last couple weeks of making sure to get 8+ hours of sleep and I can totally see it making a difference in my life!! SERIOUSLY! Now, I think a sauna or tub or steam for at least 5 minutes each time I'm at the gym should be my next goal.
Today was a quick 30 minute run on the schedule. Actual was 36 with w/u and c/d.
Bike Workouts: 1/2
Run Workouts: 1/3
Swim Workouts: 2/2
Group Workouts: 0/2
RT Workouts: 0/3
11 mile run/hike Extra Credit
The most awesome news of the year ~....Mai's MRI was NORMAL!!! Not sure where we go from here, but THAT was a relief!! Thanks for all your prayers!!
Girl, so happy Mai's MRI was normal. That is amazing! Still sending prayers and love.
Nice job on your workouts - and the extra credit. You will get there...as you know! Our pool just opened up and Jody is pumped cause he might start swimming again. WOO HOO!
Thanks for the baby note. I am so excited - I think all the really cool stuff is about to begin!
I half way read all the stuff at first because I wanted to read about her results! Thank God they were normal. I know that was a huge relief.
So happy to hear that results were normal! How have the headaches been lately?
I sat in the steam room today! It felt so good. My skin is so dry and I'm starting to get a cold again, so I thought it might help. We have to do those little things for ourselves!!
YAYYAYYAYA so glad to hear about the MRI!!! amen!!!
WE are obviously THRILLED! I feel like your prayers helped us so much :o)
Abby, she's not complaining as much about the headaches and seems to be feeling better in general, however she still keeps saying that she wishes the headaches would go away...so she's still having them, but they don't seem nearly as bad as they were, particularly in late Dec/early Jan.
The nurse called today to say her labs were NORMAL!!!! No lead poisoning!! (Thank you GOD!) and her bun level is back to normal.
The doctor will call today or tomorrow to discuss what to do next. Allergy testing?
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