Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mock Tri

First triathlon of the season: Done.
PRd the race by 18 minutes!!!
I PRd the swim and the bike - the run...not so much.

I woke up in a pissy mood and decided to not rush around. I hadn't gotten my stuff ready the night before, so I had a bit of work that early for my brain to remember exactly everything I would need at T1 and T2. I had my coffee, gathered my stuff and mosied on up to Vancouver Lake. I arrived to a mess of bikes at T1 and since I was one of the last to arrive, I just had to squeeze in where I could. Crystal called out to me to remember to get marked and signed in so I did that and it was time to go. I love that I wasn't stressed. Maybe just because it was a "mock" tri? I hope that carries in to the other races I have coming up. I hate getting that pit of your tummy ickiness on race day.

As I was laying out my stuff, I realized I forgot my body glide and must have muttered it out loud because the guy next to me placed his in my hand. Then he muttered something about no socks. Dang it - wish I could help you out, man. Everyone forgets something. If you don't forget something, you're way too serious about this ;o)

Headed out to the water. Andrea finally arrived - hungover! Yikes...I wasn't taking it that easy (although I will admit to two Vodka tonics Friday night). Found Sheryl in the lake and managed to lose one of my ear plugs while I was talking to her, so I went without. The water was SO warm that I didn't end up needing them anyways. And...

We're off - mass start. Sucky. I can't believe that we didn't spread out at all until after the first buoy (which was Walter in his Kayak). He must have been pretty scared seeing that entire mass of swimmers heading his way with no look of separating. It was the worst start ever. I felt fine, didn't panic, but I was getting no where fast. With every stroke, I caught someone's body. Finally got away from the group and ended up knocking 5 minutes off my time :o)

Headed up the beach and heard my name called out and saw Melanie - my carpool buddy from last year- cheering me on. T1 was a breeze - I'm calling it just under 3 minutes.

Got going on the bike and was so excited to see what I could do getting into my big ring out there...whoops.
Must have messed up my rear derailer when I crashed last week. Could not get into my big ring :-(
Oh well, work with what I've got. I crushed it! Felt great - took 17 minutes off my bike time from last year, even with just my little gears.

Pulled into T2 and had NO trouble transitioning the ol' legs. Getting into my socks was pretty hilarious, though. I passed Tiffany, caught up with Ali and ran with her. I knew Jeb was right behind us and would pass us soon, but I wasn't sure if Tim would pass us or not. It felt good to be in the middle of my pack. Everyone but our group of 10 halfers was doing just one loop of the ride and one loop of the run. Our group had the privilege of doing both loops twice. I don't mind the bike loop so much, but the run SUCKS. It's on pavement and it was hot and I just hate doing out and backs like that - once is fine, twice is grrr.

Jeb did pass us in short order. Then we saw Ricardo and Ilana kicking @ss on their way back from their first loop as we made it just about the 1/4 way mark and then there's Dan right on their heels and Ali mentioned to me that she didn't want to do the second loop. I didn't want to either, but out of everyone, we're the two that needed to finish what we started - Run. Run in the heat. Endure. Get ready for a hot half iron in 4 short weeks. A couple people opted out of the second loop, but away we went. We were actually passing people who were doing the shorter distance of just one loop on the bike and run - "We're doing this Ali, we're finishing what we started!!"
And we did.

Made it home, hung out in the sun with the kids, and rested. Then showered and the family was off to Dan & Sheryl's fundraising Kegger. They had a great spread - crawfish, tri tips (mmm), sausage dogs, tons of chips and dips and a couple kegs of yummy beers and my new favorite hot day (it was 90 by then) drink of Mike's Hard Lemonade POMEGRANATE >>>>> YUM.

Today is all about the relaxation - Have a good one!

1 comment:

Kelly Olexa said...

Mike's Hard Lemonade has a POM flavor?? Dang!! that's on my list!!

;-) Relax away are crushing it!! WOOT!!