We are just now finally getting around to our Summer plan of visiting 20 different waterfalls - I can't believe how fast time has flown by since school got out!! We actually hit our first fall when we were in Sunriver. The last picture here (out of chronological order, of course - how silly of me to call this post a "chronicle") is our first fall of the Summer - Benham Falls with Grammy.
We visited our second and third falls today. #2 was Bridal Veil Falls. It's a sweet little hike and we had to really drag it out to make it feel like it was worth the 45 minute drive to get there ;o)
It was beautiful, but just too short of a hike. I like to work for my waterfalls!!
We had lots of extra time on our hands, so after eating a snack at the lookout over the Columbia River, we headed up The Historic Columbia River Hwy until we reached Wahkeena Falls, which I ran with Ki last year, and managed to extend our hiking for the day... until Mai - hot, tired, sweaty, and bloody kneed - caught my eye and I figured we better head home before the perfection of the day was marred by something happening - like someone needing to poop or a fall over a cliff.
We'll visit a couple more next week...
stay tuned...
That is an awesome idea...20 waterfalls. I love it. Your kids are really lucky. They have awesome parents and will look back one day on their childhood and remember how awesome it was.
I hope so Krissa! ...but I have like NO memories from their age. They probably won't remember a bit...good thing I take pics so I can remind them of the awesome times us three amigos had!!
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