Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend Stuff

Mai had a great and muddy soccer game on Friday. That girl ROCKS the field! I'm so proud of her! She made 6 or so goals - some of them sliding in on her back to get the job done :-)

Ki and I got in a good 6.5 mile hike up at Wildwood yesterday. Stopped by my in-laws to have a cup of Joe and make sure the guys were getting along ok. My FIL is less than two weeks out of the hospital (he was in ICU for a week after the stroke and then in rehab at a second hospital for another 3 weeks) and my MIL is in Egypt for the next two weeks. A bunch of friends and family are taking shifts being with him while she's gone - this weekend his brother is with him and I picture them not running the dishwasher or doing laundry, so I stopped by and everything seemed to be going good. We headed back over there to watch the game and keep them company- Our Ducks are ON A ROLL!!!!!! - FANTASTIC GAME!
They (the men) called me an hour after we left to indicate they needed dinner and couldn't find a phone book to order pizza delivery. Oh brother :o)

Part of the trail yesterday was  leafy and part was bare, but the whole hike was fantastic. I had heard Sat would be the only dry day this weekend, so we headed out early and into the fog we went. It was also cold enough to pull out the gloves, but almost immediately after we started, the sun was out and filtering through the leaves and warming us up. I finally took Ki to the vet on Monday. She's been limping ever since she escaped two months ago. I figured she just pulled a muscle being on the run for 3 straight hours, but it's not gotten better, even with our lack of activity lately. They put her on an anti-inflamm/pain med for 10 days and she did just great yesterday. I'm waiting for her to wake up to see how her limp is today.

My ankles did "ok". Not much trouble with my left. It was either feeling fine or had a dull ache. My right, however, was talking to me with every step. Not so much that I couldn't go on, but it was a sharp pain throughout the whole 6.5 miles. I would say much better than last week's hike, though - so I feel like I'm seeing some improvement. Also, they don't hurt any worse than usual this morning and aren't any more swollen than usual, so I just might try another hike today since it seems the weather man was wrong :o)

1 comment:

GClef1970 said...

Kai is just so beautiful, as is the scenery!

Sounds like you did better on your hike yesterday than I did at Disney! My *right* knee, the one without the official injury, gave me such trouble! It even locked at one point and I almost fell face first. A "guide" even noticed and asked if I needed to go to the First Aid station. (blush)

I came home and had mixed veggies on one knee and peas & carrots on the other. :-D

BTW, my word verification is "Slymess". Yep, that's me. A sly mess.