Sunday, June 13, 2010


I just woke to the sun streaming through our windows and not a cloud in the sky!! Birds are chirping, the weather is warm and Summer is here!!Yesterday was a fantastic start to the weekend!! We had fun taking it EZ in the backyard all day. I read 47 chapters of my book while the kids swinged? swang?
or is it swung?
Then onto some slippin' and slidin'

Play all day, then party all night...Only two weeks passed before MIL, SIL and myself had to head out for more wine tasting. We went to an event at the Oregon Gardens

and looked at a lot of fantastic plants, trees, and flowers.

We wandered around and landed for a while at the mustard stand (my fave was the spicy pineapple mustard), the bread stand (mmmm...bought Steve a loaf of crusty Italian bread), the goat cheese stand (Party in a Jar?), but our hang out spot seemed to be the Naked Winery booth (they are bringing fun and romance back into wine) where I drank Dominatrix Pinot and a Penetration Cab. The other girls stuck with the Naughty Chardonnay and then we all got tattoos.

MIL is usher at church today, so she's hoping it comes off easily. HA! Have you ever tried to scrub them off your kids?

Heading out in about an hour for a group hike up Dog Mountain. I'm guessing we couldn't ask for a better day - perfect weather and we should have all flowers in full bloom by now.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.  ~John Muir

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