Back in the Saddle
Above: UrsulaIt feels so good to back in the gym on a schedule!!TUESDAY2 Mi Brisk Doggy Walk20 Minute HIIT on Elliptical30 Minute SwimWEDNESDAYa.m. LEG DAYBicep Standing CurlLT: n/a TT: 25/18RPHammer Curls LT: n/a TT: 15/20ssStretch: 45 secsSeated Leg CurlsLT: n/a TT: 70/33RPStretch: 45 secsAdductorsLT: n/a TT: 100/41RPLying Leg PressLT: n/a TT: 360/8, 270/22ssStretch: 45 secsAbs: 5 sets of 20 Crunches15 mins on the StepmillMidday ~ 2 Mi Brisk Doggy WalkP.M. 30 Minute Swim
Total: 3 billion hours of exercise.
Sheesh, girl!!!
ha! It's actually not so bad. Nothing compared to the half IM training. The dog walk...well, it's got to be done anyway.
The weight lifting and cardio only took 1 hour and 5 mins.
The gym's so close to my house that the nighttime swim was just like taking a little me time to relax. Give up tv (which is so easy this time of year with nothing on) and a p.m swim is like sitting back and watching a 1/2 hour sitcom.
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